Thursday, May 28, 2020

Why Some Potential Employers Need to Meet You (Before you Apply) Building Your Future Now

Why Some Potential Employers Need to Meet You (Before you Apply) Building Your Future Now Sending out job applications online is an important part of your job search. However, the reality is you need to get out there and introduce yourself to potential employers! Its 2019 and utilizing the internet is important, but theres no getting around the fact that some companies are looking for good candidates and want you to drop by! Meet Local Businesses in Person Take a few hours in your job search by hopping into your car, take public transit or simply walk to either streets with industry- heavy business or go to the downtown core. Look around. Many businesses advertise their jobs from signs right outside! They want you to pop in. They want to meet their candidates face-to-facethis might be the best way to getting your next job. The Hidden Job Market Even if some businesses dont advertise a job opening outside or online their door try going in and find out more about them. Sometimes businesses simply dont advertize their job openings because they use their own network: employees and word-of-mouth. By going in and learning more about a company may impress them. This is one easy way to tap into the local job market. Image: Pexels

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