Sunday, May 10, 2020

Havent heard back Can you apply again

Havent heard back Can you apply again 0 Flares 0 Flares More than a few friends of mine have asked this question lately, so it appears like a  perfect topic for Corn on the Job.  I think today Ill cut right to the answer, and give you some more thought after.  Yes, definitely send your application/resume to the company again, but please make sure you give it a healthy amount of time before doing so.  If absolutely nothing is sent your way after two weeks then go ahead, and send an application, resume, or email them again. One thing to consider before you let fury become you.  Times are tough, and layoffs have sent HR representatives and recruiters packing.  Its true that the company may have less jobs, but the open positions they do have may be collecting 10 to 15 times more resumes than it would have before the economy went tumbling.  Imagine being the recruiter responsible for managing those resumes, and needing to sort out 300 (thats very low) resumes for one position.  Not an easy task, and things can get sticky.  I pray at night that the recruiter responsible for this task has a darn good applicant tracking system to help send responses out to waiting candidates.  If not, then Im sure thats why you havent heard back. While I do believe its OK to send in your resume twice, please dont go bananas sending in three, four, five, or more times.  After applying twice its time to start applying to other companies while your resume/application is being processed.  If you dont hear back then maybe its time to realize that the company is just not that into you.   Stay positive about it, they are just keeping you available for the lucky company that youll fit perfectly into. Last thing, if you are absolutely positive that youve just applied twice to your dream job and still heard nothing, then go ahead and try one more time.  Now all you can do is sit back and listen to the words of John Lennon, let it be.

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