Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Answering the Interview Question What Makes You The Ideal Candidate

Answering the Interview Question What Makes You The Ideal Candidate Answering the Interview Question What Makes You The Ideal Candidate 3Regardless of industry or position, interviewers typically pose some tried-and-true questions to every candidate. Thus, most job seekers prepare to get things off on the right foot with a solid response to “Tell me about yourself?” and know how to handle the dreaded “What’s your greatest weakness?” without too much sweat. But since an interview’s main purpose is finding the best match for the job at hand, perhaps there’s no more important question than “What makes you the ideal candidate?” When given this golden opportunity, go for the sale! Present your best self by thinking about the following in regard to the classic question, “What makes you the ideal candidate?” Preparation You know that this question (or a variation such as, “Why are you the perfect person for this job?”) is likely to arise during the interview, so be ready. You’ll be less nervous and come off as a more confident, polished candidate when you’ve rehearsed what you want to say. “Plan it out in advance,” says executive coach and career strategist Elizabeth Koraca. “To avoid rambling, practice your answer ahead of time. Write it down before the interview. That doesn’t mean you have to memorize, but it does mean you will be more prepared and won’t be tripping over your words during the interview.” Crafting a Response Now isn’t the time to be humble! While, of course, you shouldn’t act cocky or inflate the truth, consider this question an opening to proudly discuss your strengths and present them as the solution to the employer’s needs. “Think about what skills you have and how they match up with the requirements and what they are looking for. Focus on any unique skills, how you can help the company, and how you can make your prospective manager look good,” Koraca says. Offer details to paint a vivid picture. Real-life examples of how you are the best candidate make a strong impression. Highlight instances of your leadership abilities, organizational skills, or whatever other qualities match you to the job description. Then, let the interviewer know you’d be happy to provide references who also can speak about what you bring to the table. (Just be sure to contact these people beforehand with some talking points in order to be on the same page.) Stay Focused Finally, don’t spoil this wonderful opportunity to shine by straying off subject. Go ahead and “toot your own horn”- tastefully presenting good things about yourself does not need tempering with equal time for imperfections. “Try to avoid talking about negatives about yourself or any past mistakes,” Koraca says.  â€œYou want them to think that you are the best candidate, so speaking about these things can hurt you.  That doesn’t mean that you can’t answer the question What is your biggest weakness? but wait until they ask you that. Not all interviewers will ask that.”

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