Thursday, July 2, 2020

How Recruiters Use LinkedIn

How Recruiters Use LinkedIn As recruiters, we get to help people advance in their careers on a daily basis, and this can be very emotionally rewarding. I like to think that most recruiters would like to help every job seeker they can. The truth however, when recruiting for a variety of clients or internally for human resources is that we cannot help every job seeker. Our job requires us to “seek out” the best candidates for the positions we are currently working on. Seek; is the key word here. We hope that our advertisements reach the right candidates and that the message we project will bring them to our door step; however more often than not we have to independently search for those candidates. If you are a job seeker and are having trouble being found, it may not be that you do not possess the right skills for the job you want, it could just mean that you are not as visible as you need to be. One of the top resources in a recruiters tool kit is LinkedIn. A 2015 survey from Jobvite found that 94% of the recruiters surveyed were actively searching for candidates on LinkedIn. So first things first, get yourself on LinkedIn if you haven’t already. If you are on LinkedIn, follow along here to see how you can optimize your profile so recruiters can find you more easily. Hunting: Recruiters scour through Linkedin in all types of ways to find their “ideal” candidates, and each will have their own unique ways of searching, but when it really comes down to it, LinkedIn search is very similar to that of a search engine. It’s all about the keywords! If you don’t have them, your chances of being found are slim. Firstly, understand the jobs you want to work at. Identify the keywords (top skills/requirements) in their descriptions then use them throughout your profile. In the Summary (think of this as your branding statement, make it interesting but applicable to the job you want. The Summary can be an attention grabber and make you stand out from the crowd if used correctly. The Experience Section is also very important, include variations of the top keywords in this section as you describe your experiences. Again, be creative here, LinkedIn is not your resume, use it to tell your story! An incomplete profile not only wastes valuable opportunity to tell your story and include the keywords that can help you to be found, but it can also be a turn off for recruiters. Any gaps they see can be assumed red flags about you. The sections of your profile also allow for recruiters to refine their searches through a variety of search parameters so not having them complete can really hurt you when they start to “dig deep”. Authentication/Validation: Beyond just searching for possible candidates, recruiters use LinkedIn to begin their vetting process. They can begin to validate your claims and find out more about your work and personality through the content you provide and the activity your profile has. Employment; did you actually work there? Are your dates consistent with your resume? etc.? All companies and recruiters will have recruiting strategies in place to help them find top candidates and the companies you work for and titles you have possessed may very well be a part of those strategies so be sure to include them. Don’t forget the ever important dates of employment as well! Education; consistency is key here as well. Make sure it’s the same information you’ve provided elsewhere. Searches for candidates specifically by school or degree are also not uncommon. These must be included. It is also worthy to note that it can help to broaden your network through common connections. On a side note; age discrimination is illegal but does happen. If it’s been more than 10 years since your graduation, the date really isn’t necessary. Personality; just like another social networking site, LinkedIn gives a glimpse into your personality. Recruiters will hopefully meet with you in person to get a first-hand impression, but more often than not, they start here. How active are you (not just in the workplace but in your community/network)? Your profile and your activity on LinkedIn allow recruiters start making judgements about how you will fit in with the positions they have available. Make use of the networks you have created be active within them, contribute to discussions and groups, it will be noticed. (This also can help to expand your network and possible get referrals from other people which are a huge help in finding a new job). LinkedIn is a social network, but it is a professional one, so keep it clean! Be aware of how you are presenting yourself through what you write, whether it be a status update, contribution to a conversation or profile descriptions (tone is important). There will be assumptions made about your personality from these. Profile Photo; first impressions matter, whether you like it or not, your profile picture will make an impression. This photo should be professional. NO SELFIES! Dress like you would when going to an interview, nothing too flashy or underdressed. Smile and keep the photo professional at all times. For consistency’s sake, (if you are searching for a job) you can use this image as your profile picture on other social sites. There is always the chance a recruiter will be looking there as well. Reference Checking: The best way to check references is to have a conversation with them, LinkedIn can give some quality information but recruiters will get the most out of talking to someone. That said, LinkedIn recommendations are nothing to shy away from. Its all about who gave you the recommendation though; a recommendation from a manager/supervisor or a client will provide more validity than one from a co-worker. These recommendations can provide insight into how you have worked with others and shed a light on the type of employee you are. Your network influence (are you an authority in your industry?) can also be judged as a result of the people giving you the recommendations. Similar Search: A common feature used by recruiters; similar search can be used when recruiters find someone that is on the right track but not all the way there. It is very common for people to network within their niche which means that their network is made up of people with very similar skill sets. If you fit this bill and don’t have everything the recruiter is looking for they might end up searching your contacts with similar skill sets; or vice versa and you might be on the receiving end and be found through a similar search. The people you are connected with can allow you to be found by recruiters, both in and out of your niche. This is especially true when recruiters are searching without upgraded accounts and only have the ability to see limited levels of connections. Networking never stops, always continue to  build your network and have a complete profile. The more you grow and contribute the more likely you are to be found!

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