Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Curb Negative Online Reviews of your Company

How to Curb Negative Online Reviews of your CompanyHow to Curb Negative Online Reviews of your CompanyHow to Curb Negative Online Reviews of your Company RossheimWhats better than a beautifully crafted response to public criticism of your company? A negative review that never happens because employees are satisfied at work or they feel free to express their dissatisfactionand seek redress offline.Although it takes time and effort, successfully managing online reviews will help maintain your companys star rating. A recent pollreveals just how significant those stars can be to todays job seekers.Based on a five-star rating system, a majority (38%) of U.S. respondents would only apply to companies with at least a 3-star rating. The poll also found that a third of respondents would never apply to a company with bad employee reviews.Clearly, the task of managing negative reviews should bea critical component of youremployer brand managementstrategy. Read on for insights on how you canhe ad offnegative reviews as well as someremedies to use when all else fails.Head off public criticism with open internal communications. philanthropisch resources can serve as a back channel for employee complaints. Negative reviews can bring up legitimate issues, says Joseph Sullivan, a partener at law firm Taylor English in Atlanta. Its important for the HR department to have an open communication policy for employees who feel theyre not being respected, so they dont leave company and have an axe to grind.Make it a practice to conduct exit interviewswith departing employees to help bring closure to existing issues.Create a trusted forum for in-person feedback. Assume that employees will feel that their expressions of legitimate concerns might be used against them and do the hard work of changing that perception by creating a more open organization. When you build a safe space that encourages employees to speak their minds and share their perspectives, you can address feelings of di ssatisfaction in real time and prevent frustrated individuals from venting about your company on an open forum, says Andre Lavoie, CEO of ClearCompany, which offers talent management software. Make them feel comfortable with addressing their concerns in person.Give reviewers other ways to contact the relevant people at your company. Offer a path for reviewers to provide additional feedback an email address, website or phone numbers as a way for reviewers to talk more about why they wrote the review they did. You might be able to stop a negative review in its tracks.Search for root causes of complaints. Employees likely wont tell the whole story of their experience with your company which might be a good thing. Use their remarks as a springboard for a deeper examination of the situation.Look into negative comments for the underlying issue that makes employees feel this way, says Lavoie. If you see many complaints on a given theme such as bullying, or lapses in employee communicat ion use them to press leadership for needed changes.Act on legitimate employee criticism. Company reviews can also be useful for identifying more granular issues. Create a pipeline to float information from the employee feedbackto the right part of your business. Think about how youre bringing feedback to the line of business or to HR to take action. And consider how company leadership will see these reviews.Consider asking the employee to remove their negative review. Sometimes its possible to tie even an anonymous post to a specific employee. If you feel such comments are unfair, consider asking the employee to remove them. We usually recommend going directly to the employee and trying to get them to take down the negative review, says Sullivan.Ask the review site to remove over-the-line comments. When a review contains inaccurate statements, you can try seeking a remedy through the review site. If you believe the review is completely false, you can reach out to the company-revie w site to ask to have it removed, says Rebecca McClure, an associate with Axia Public Relations.Sometimes you have to prove the review false, sometimes the review site researches it. But beware of starting a game of whack-a-mole the complaining employee can probably repost similar comments on the same site or others under a different pseudonym.Defamation may warrant legal action. Perhaps as a last resort, consider getting legal counsel involved. Once in a while an ex-employee posts a defamatory statement and we issue a send a cease-and-desist letter, says Sullivan.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Infographic Old vs. New Workstyles

Infographic Old vs. New WorkstylesInfographic Old vs. New Workstyles4KCheck out this infographic on old vs. new workstylesThe infographic basically defines and illustrates what strives to do in terms of promoting new workstyles and work-life balance as the future of workand it does it so well. So, weve decided to shut up about it and just show you.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Unsolicited Application Letter

Unsolicited Application LetterUnsolicited Application LetterOne of the best ways to find a good paying job in todays world is with online job posting websites. The downside to posting your resume online is that you will likely receive offers from companies you never heard of before. If you decide to contact companies you find online, you need to submit an unsolicited application letter. An unsolicited application letter is also suitable for sending to employers who requested you fill out an application when you have no interest in the job. Unsolicited application letters, unlike solicited letters, also let you contact employers who do not post jobs online or do not have any current jobs posted as a way to get your foot in the door.An Unsolicited Application Letter Acts as a titelseite LetterThink of an unsolicited application letter in the same way you would a cover letter. The employers you contact have no information about you and know nothing about you or why you would be a good f it for that company. You need to make your unsolicited application letter shine and show that employer a list of reasons why they should hire you or at least give you an interview. A well-written unsolicited application letter can make that employer decide to take a chance on you.Making Your Unsolicited Application Letter ShineWhen you write a cover letter, you probably spend hours writing, reviewing, and editing before sending it to potential employers. You need to put that same level of effort into writing an unsolicited application letter. Give employers a clear list of reasons to call you in for an interview.How Do I Write an Application Letter?You write an application letter by highlighting aspects of your career and other crucial information, includingUp-to-date contact informationYour experience levelAll relevent education you haveThe research and your understanding of the companyWhy you want to work for that employerA reference to your included resumeWhat is an Unsolicited Resume?An unsolicited resume means the same thing as an unsolicited application letter. Its a resume you send to an employer who has no jobs posted online, or no current jobs available. Re-tool your unsolicited resume so that your professional summary, skills, and work experience align with the goals of the company, or the industry that the company is in.Contacting Employers with an Unsolicited Application LetterContacting employers with an unsolicited application letter can open doors that were previously closed to you. The unsolicited application letter acts as an introduction to you, your skills, and why youre a good fit for that company. Read unsolicited application letter samples to see how others created similar letters, and create a compelling resume to go along with that letter with our resume builder. A well-written unsolicited application letter can help you get a great job, even when the company isnt hiring publicly. Related Articles What are the Best Career Change Skill sWhat is an Informational bewerbungsgesprch?What is the Proper Resume Length?

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Build a Resume Using College Involvement as Experience

How to Build a Resume Using College Involvement as ExperienceHow to Build a Resume Using College Involvement as ExperienceHow to Build a Resume Using College Involvement as ExperienceThink your college involvement isnt applicable to your job search? Think again.Entering the workforce as a professional is one of the most exciting moments after graduation. Youve worked hard for your degree and are now ready to put those skills to the test. However, you may find yourself feeling as though those daunting job ads appear to seek more qualified team members. No need to pass the job over when deciding how to build a resume, look to your college activities for unexpected experience.Internships and fellowshipsMost academic advisors tell their students to seek internships early in their academic career. While this is sound advice, if you must choose between a freshman internship and a senior internship, go for the latter. Employers are looking for candidates who recently used their skills. They will often choose a candidate who just completed their internship rather than one who earned an early placement, regardless of parteicipation and achievements.When adding internships to the resume writing, place the information under your other employment history, in chronological order. When choosing the title or position, clearly indicate this was an internship. However, choose an additional title that is closest to your actual involvement. For example, if you built websites for the company, your title would be Computer Graphics Artist, Internship or Web Designer, Internship. Never imply this was not an internship.Clubs and organizationsClubs and organizations are an excellent way to earn skills and job experience. This also can be tricky. The general rule of thumb is to not list organizations and clubs unless you are an officer or major team member (i.e. president, vice president, vorstellung coordinator, etc.), the organization is a chapter for the national division (i.e. natio nal Greek organizations and honor societies), student sector of a larger professional organization (PRSSA/PRSA, SPJ, Veterinarian Association, etc.) or you participated in a large-scale event.Try to stay away from listing religious, political or social organizations unless you know the employer supports these topics or you held a position equivalent of what you are applying for. Also be careful about listing Greek organizations. Some of these entities have bad reputations for partying. When deciding how to build a resume, dont list anything that appears controversial or non-important.Entry-level and minimum wage jobsWe all know college students have to work low paying jobs during their academic career. Its just a part of life and paying your dues. Many students question whether they should list the cashier job at Walmart or dishwasher at Applebees. The short answer is yes, list any employment experience that is not over ten years old. Instead of listing those menial job duties, try to find ways to word the information so it fits with your career aspirations. Cashiers have client retention and communication skills. Shift supervisors can mentor and train team members. Re-wording your job description with your resume writing helps to keep the positions relevant.Volunteer activitiesVolunteerism is one of the fastest methods to learn new skills, earn valuable experience and give back to the community. Employers look for students who are a part of something bigger and want to help their fellow brothers and sisters. However, there are a few simple rules when listing volunteer ventures while building a resume. First, never call yourself a volunteer. Instead, come up with a position that closely fits the job you volunteered for. For example, if you are helping design posters for the Red Cross, you can call yourself a Graphic Designer. But do clarify in the job description this was a volunteer project. List all volunteer activities separate from job experience, unless t he volunteer opportunity is directly applicable to your career path.Putting it all togetherNow that you have all the necessary experience and skills in hand needed to build a resume, what do you do next? Create a resume of course. It is advisable to hire a professional resume writer to organize, design and write your first-time resume. This prevents you from making fatal errors or misrepresenting some of your information. If you want to do your own resume writing, place education first, followed by experience, engagement,and development. Recent graduate resumes should never exceed one page, and focusing on skills and abilities is more advisable than focusing on experience.Bringing college activities into your resume is hard to do. Learn more about working with the professional resumes writers who can help you make the most of your experience.Recommended Reading14 Reasons This is a Perfect Recent College Grad ResumeTop Job-Search Tips for RecentCollege Grads11 Things to Do During Col lege to Help You Land a Job After College

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to Answer the Greatest Weakness Interview Question

How to Answer the Greatest Weakness Interview QuestionHow to Answer the Greatest Weakness Interview QuestionHow to Answer the Greatest Weakness Interview QuestionThis common bewerbungsgesprch question can throw a candidate for a loop. Prepare ahead and ace the interview.Among the possible interview questions, the greatest weakness interview question causes universal dread in most job candidates. In fact, the more qualified a candidate is, the higher the degree of dread.What is your greatest weakness?Think about your own past interviews and how you may have answered this question before. If you have never been asked, think about what your response would be right now. Typical answers fall along behauptung linesI am a bit of a workaholic, so I have a tendency to take on too much work.I am a perfectionist and an overachiever. I do leid rest until every assignment is completed, double-checked and presented with a bow on top ahead of schedule.I work too hard, sometimes to the point of sac rificing rest and weekends to make sure every deadline is met.I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. In fact, I have personally been guilty of using some variation on all three of these in the past. Now, an honest round of votes Who here genuinely believes those greatest weakness interview answers?If I were to guess, I would say that you dont even believe them yourself as you are saying them. In fact, these are almost as bad as the worst possible answer, which is Weakness? Whats that? I have no weaknessesThe problem with the typical answerThe ultimate problem with the way most candidates answer this question is that they try to lie.Sure, there might be a kernel of truth in these typical responses. However, the candidate usually either talks about something that is fairly inconsequential for the job (I have a hard time disconnecting from technology in the evenings) or picks a weakness that could be perceived as a strength (who here does not want to hire a diligent hard wo rker?).Unfortunately, both strategies to tackling the greatest interview question leave the hiring manager dissatisfied. First of all, interviewers can tell when youre lying. And second, the reason they asked that question welches to get some honest insight into who you are and how you verstndigung im strafverfahren with difficulties. Your fake answer does nothing to position you as a great candidate.The winning answer strategyThe key to a winning response strategy is in understanding why the hiring manager asks about your weaknesses. There are typically two big reasons behind it.Reason number one is to see whether or not you have enough self-awareness and insight to acknowledge that you have something you need to work on. Reason number two is to determine if you are proactive and resilient enough to work on getting better. If you understand those two points and are able to answer the question honestly and thoughtfully, what you say next has the potential to lift you above other can didates and get you the job offer. Would you like an applied example? Lets pretend that you are interviewing me for an accounting manager position, and you have just asked me the dreaded What is your greatest weakness? question. Lucky for me, I have given it some thought in advance. Here is an example of a strategic response I might sayThat is a great question. To be honest, I tend to put deadlines and work goals ahead of people sometimes.For example, in the last 2 years, I have noticed myself becoming terse and inflexible when my team members were unable to deliver their reports on time. I usually enjoy good rapport with my team, so those instances really stood out for me and I started to pay attention.As I reflected on what was happening, I realized that my abruptness and lack of flexibility were actually causing a rift between me and the rest of the team. As a deadline approached, even the people who would typically come into my office to share an issue or a challenge would begin to avoid me. That was not constructive, so I sought out some guidance from my boss.As we talked about this, I realized that I was treating all deadlines as equally urgent when in fact they were not. In a way, I was creating a lot of urgency and pressure in my own mind, and that was translating into more pressure for my team. I wanted to change this dynamic, and with my mentors help, I have implemented two changes.First of all, I became a lot more present to how my demeanor and attitude towards deadlines affected my team. Deadlines are a reality of work life, but I do not want to be a major contributor to their stress just because I cannot manage myself. I started a tracking sheet of assignments by team member so that I would have a reference point for their workload. I also became proactive in asking them about progress and anticipated challenges. I found that by focusing on people I was able to open the communication lines and ultimately meet deadlines with less stress.The second thing I did was pay attention to how senior people in the company dealt with deadlines. I have been blessed to have managers who are excellent at strategic assessment. They seem to just know which deadlines are real and not movable, and which ones are more flexible. As I learn from them and work to clarify expectations, I am getting better at the balance between getting work done and taking care of my team.What do you think?Granted, I have had the benefit of a quiet space to think through my response and structure it in an impactful way. Your own answer will look different, but lets dissect what makes this one work.Dissecting successThere are four factors that make my greatest weakness interview answer come across as well-composed, thoughtful and an indicator that I am a good candidate for the job.It is honest. And not just because I used that word to open the response, either I took the time to reflect on things that have the potential to sabotage my professional effectiveness and came up with a real answer that is not just a strength in disguise.It demonstrates that I have the capacity for seeing my failures. Hiring managers know that everyone has weaknesses, but it is ones ability to recognize a shortcoming that forms the first step towards improvement.It shows that I can take proactive steps towards fixing it. We all come up against difficult things in the workplace, from an assignment not completed up to par to an email that gets a reprimand in response. The question is, do you crumble and complain about it, or do you take responsibility to fix it?It does not just tell the interviewer about my weakness it tells a story. I brought the hiring manager along with me on a journey that had an emotional dip and a recovery. Our brains are wired to love stories, so craft a story to illustrate your point for maximum impact.TakeawaysThere are three key points that I want you to remember as you think about this tough greatest weakness interview question.First of all , be honestThat does not mean blurting out the first thing that comes to mind, but rather giving it some thought and choosing something real. By all means, be strategic after all, your goal is to position yourself as a great candidate. However, begin with an honest self-assessment.Second, expect the question and prepare for itI cannot guarantee that you will get this one in your next interview, but it is one that can be difficult to answer on the spot. So, dont put yourself on the spot. You have been warned think through your response in advance.Begin to do something proactive to fix your greatest weakness before you even begin interviewingDepending on your personal kryptonite at the moment, working on it may involve taking a class, seeking out mentors, and asking for more just-in-time feedback. The worst thing you can do is nothing because that leaves you with no progress to report.So, be honest, be ready and work on fixing it and you will be acing this tough question in no tim eFinding yourself speechless when you encounter questions like this? Working with an expert interview coach can help Reach out to our sister site,TopInterview, today to learn more.Recommended ReadingHow to Answer Why Did You Leave Your Last Job? Even if You Got FiredAsk Amanda How Can I Be More Confident During Interviews?Did the Job Search Leave You Discouraged This Year? Weve Got You CoveredRelated Articles

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ruthless Electrician Resume Strategies Exploited

Ruthless Electrician Resume Strategies Exploited A History of Electrician Resume Refuted Electricians need at least a tenth-grade education, and they have to finish an electrician apprenticeship. Master electricians that are also electrical engineers have a huge selection of associations that they can join too.You find out which equipment you require, and pop to the neighborhood hardware shop. Youre able to use our master electrician resume sample to gauge the efficacy of your own resume. You might be a rather superior electrician but if you dont have appropriate education or training linked to your field, you might not obtain the job. Scoring a perfect electrician job however, can be rather a challenge. Next, you are going to want to give an overview of earlier jobs youve held as an electrician within the previous five years. Once training is finished, apprentices become journey electricians. Vital Pieces of Electrician Resume Being an electrician is extremely helpful for your professional and personal life. He coordinates with other professionals in creating a tresor electrical system once it is completed. A great electrician has the capacity to seamlessly integrate their work style with other people. Your apprentice electrician resume should emphasize the range of projects you have completed, your capacity to control an electrical job, and your capacity to juggle a number of tasks at the same time. Professional heating maintenance provider gives you residential heating maintenance at fixed intervals and also supplies you the parts that should be replaced. Adhere to the aforementioned strategies and take more care of what your contractors are seeking, and youll have the ability to score the work immediately. Dont believe that you would appear important and valuable if your cellular phone keeps ringing or vibrating as you are being interviewed. The Basics of Electrician Resume Possessing a work description for the company owner may also help combat the feeling that youre accountable for everything. As a business proprietor, be sure that you understand what your job as business owner entails. A company owner needs to have a superior understanding of the business hes managing. Not every business proprietor is an excellent salesperson, and successful business will grow to the point at which the operator cant close every sale, or even every huge sale. If youre building a room in your home, you use tools from various disciplines. The perfect candidate also has to be experienced in various kinds of electrical devices and systems. Should you need additional guidance, you may also make the most of our resume builder. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement. A conventional 40-hour workweek is not uncommon in the profession, but power outages may bring about overtime or eveni ng and weekend work if you work by means of a utility company. By being thorough and professional, you should have the ability to catch the eye of employers and locate an appropriate job. The secret to writing a great electrician resume is deckblatting all the vital points and putting forth the effort to make certain that everything is simply right. As part of the job which you may find the chance to attend a day release or evening Electrician training course. Dont include your previous jobs that are not pertinent to the place of Electrician Apprentice. When you make a work description for yourself, it will become clear which tasks you must delegate to be able to succeed. Many jobs need various templates as you should highlight a wide variety of areas of your professional persona. The Resume Format should state the specific educational qualification and abilities that one needs to do the job. Without a compelling resume, your urge to find work or change your current job ma y come to a premature end even if youve got the ideal qualification and experience. Not particularly useful if you dont have any suitable experience that could be captured in job titles. If youre looking for your primary job or the subsequent one, you require a resume that shows employers that youre a seasoned specialist. After you make application for a specific job, the resume is usually to be directed for a particular intent. Additional training might also be asked to cover certain topics that are relevant to individual branches of the electrical trade. Resumes could possibly be organized in a number of means.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Decoding Dilbert (Part 4) - Spark Hire

Decoding Dilbert (Part 4) - Spark HireYou could argue that all of the workers in Dilbert are pretty remote. That is, they dont seem to do much work, or listen very well, or accomplish anything. Well get to that in a moment. This strip is about telecommuting and actual remote employees. It also portrays an interesting relationship between remote employees and their in-house management.At first glance, this strip is a simple 3-panel story about a remote employee being disappointed that hell have to do real work now that hes moved to the home office.The funny question is is the former remote employees work load really going to change now that hes in-house? We know that the Pointy Haired Boss is an ineffective manager to his in-house employees. We know they never get anything accomplished. In case we had forgotten this, Dilbert is sitting right there through the whole strip to remind us.Dilbert is really the star of this strip. He just sits there, silently, through the whole conversation . Talk about a remote employee. Theres no reason for him to be in this strip, except to show the real joke in the exchange. The PHB will ignore the new co-worker just as much now as he did while he was telecommuting.This strip suggests that the work done by in-house and remote employees is the same. Increasingly, Human Resource managers are starting to agree. The backlash against Marissa Mayers decision to bring in Yahoo remote employees is a perfect illustration of the movement. Mayer made her decision with an eye toward increasing collaboration between her employees. However, from a productivity standpoint, here are some interesting statisticsIn a Stanford study, employees who were allowed to work from home if they chose were between 13% and 22% more productive than employees stuck at the office.75% of business decision makers reported seeing happier employees after implementing telecommuting programs.37% of managers saw a decrease in absenteeism, as workers avoided spreading germ s when ill, and could telecommute during bad weather.For many companies, telecommuting is an important part of keeping their workforce happy and productive. Statistically speaking, the former remote co-worker will be doing less work now that hes at the home officeOf course, now that weve talked about the benefits of telecommuting how it makes employees happier, more productive, and more engaged it makes perfect sense that Dilberts company would get rid of that policy. Maybe that is the secret underlying message in this strip dont be like DilbertDecoding DilbertPart 1Part 2Part 3Decoding Dilbert unravels the real-world HR problems in the cartoon world of Dilbert comics. The series focuses on a different strip every week, with an eye toward improving employee-management relations. Suggest a strip by leaving a comment below, or send Kristin a tweet ithinkther4iamb DecodingDilbertleumund Courtesy of